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Art Blog

Welcome to Willingham Primary School's Art blog. Here, you can see what your children have been doing in their Art lessons and celebrate their amazing creations. If you would like to see older posts, they are still available in the Archive section.

We hope that you enjoy it!

Ms Varty

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  • 13/03/20

    Year 5/6: Still Life Paintings, part 2

    The next stage in our unit on Giorgio Morandi was to add colour. We used poster paint. Morandi is known for using tints and paler colours but the children were able to choose a colour scheme of their own. You may notice that many of these photographs were taken on Sports Relief Day when the children...
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  • 06/03/20

    Year 5/6: Still Life Paintings

    Over this half-term, the Year 5/6s will be learning about still life paintings and taking their inspiration from Giorgio Morandi, a 20th Century Italian painter and printmaker who created more than 1,300 calm and contemplative still life paintings in oil.
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  • 05/03/20

    Year 3 & 4: Cityscapes, part 1

    The Year 3s and 4s have been looking at cityscapes in the history of art and are creating a picture of their own from their imagination and experience of skyscrapers and interesting buildings in London and other cities that they have visited.
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  • 13/02/20

    Year 3 & 4: Van Gogh Sunflowers

    The Year 3s and 4s have been studying the use of colour in Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings and in the last few lessons, have been looking in detail at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, specifically the version known as F456. They went on to paint their own pictures of sunflowers using some...
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  • 30/01/20

    Year 3 & 4: Colour Wheels

    This half-term, the Year 3s and 4s will be looking more closely at colour theory. We will go on to consider the use of colour in Impressionist paintings but in the first few lessons, we will be creating our own colour wheel.
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  • 19/12/19

    Year 3 & 4: Greek Pots

    In their history topic, the Year 3s and 4s have been studying Ancient Greece. In art, we have been making monster pots but in the last few lessons of the half-term, we are learning about Ancient Greek pots and creating a pot design of our own.
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  • 13/12/19

    Year 5/6: Gillian Ayres

    The Year 5/6s have been studying Abstract Art and in the last two weeks of term, have looked at Kandinsky’s influence on other artists, the development of Abstract Expressionism in 20th Century America and at the work of British artist, Gillian Ayres (1930 - 2018). High Summer...
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  • 29/11/19

    Year 5/6: Wassily Kandinsky, part 2

    Having spent some time working in sketchbooks, the next task for the pupils was to evaluate their work so far and decide on a final design for their finished piece.
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  • 28/11/19

    Year 3 & 4: Painting our Monster Pots

    The final stage in our monster pot project was to paint the now dry pots. The children had decided in advance on the colours they wanted and there was great excitement in the Art Studio.
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  • 22/11/19

    Year 1 & 2: Monsters

    The Year 1s and 2s have been very excited to see the monster pots which the older pupils  have been making from clay. In art this week, we decided to draw our own monsters in oil pastel.
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  • 21/11/19

    Year 1 & 2: Monet Impression Sunrise

    The Year 1s and 2s are continuing their study of Claude Monet and over the next two weeks, will be creating a painting inspired by Impression Soleil levant or Impression, Sunrise (1879).  
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  • 14/11/19

    Clay day in Years 3 & 4!

    Having created our monster pot designs last week, it was time to get out the clay. There is always great excitement in the Art Studio on Clay Day.
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