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Year 3/4: Peace Project

The Year 3/4s are also taking part in the Fen Edge Twinning Association art exchange, organised to celebrate twenty years of friendship and cooperation between the villages to the north of Cambridge and Avrillé in the Loire Valley.

In all year groups, we began by looking at symbolic art and discussing how abstract concepts can be represented by images. The Year 3/4s worked together to make a piece including both paint and collage.

The children first made graded washes in different colours:

We allowed these to dry, then cut out leaf shapes. The children added veins in white paint using pipettes, a technique which gives a finer and more fluid line and which they really enjoyed mastering:

They worked together to paint the panel and arrange and stick down the leaves.

The children were very proud of their finished panel, which is based on the idea that people from all over the world share common roots and that the friendship between us helps us to grow.