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Indoor Athletics at Cottenham Primary

23 children from KS2 took part in an Athletics Event!

On Wednesday afternoon, 23 children from KS2 went to Cottenham to compete in an Indoor Athletics Event! 

The afternoon was split into four different events:

Chest Throw - This is where the children had to throw a ball from their chest as far as they could..!

Speed Bounce - This is where the children had 30 seconds to jump as many times as they could side to side over the raised mat!

Long Jump - The children had to do a standing long jump and try and get the furthest jump!

Balance - The children had to balance for the allocated time to receive more points. If they fell off the beam, they didn't get as many...

Willingham did extremely well considering they never do these activities and Cottenham have an indoor athletics club. Willingham narrowly lost out to Cottenham when the results came in but it was a tremendous effort from all the children. 

We would like to thank Cottenham once again for hosting another fantastic event!