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Kurling at Bourn Academy!

Mrs Latham's School hosts Willingham Primary in a Kurling Event!

On Monday, 6 children from KS2 made the journey over to see Mrs Latham at her new school to have a Kurling Event! 

This was arranged as Bourn Academy are hoping to purchase their own Kurling kit and they wanted their children to experience the sport and what its like.

The children split into pairs and faced off against a pair from the opposite school.

They started off by trying to get their stone as close to the centre of the target mat as possible in their teams, the team that got their stone closest won! After a short biscuit break, the children then set off for their activities. 

The children took part in three different activities during the afternoon:

The first was skittles where the children had to knock the balls off the cones with their Kurling stone. 

The second activity was through the gates where the children had to get their Kurling stone through two sets of gates at the other side of the hall.

The third activity involved the children trying to knock a Kurling stone from the centre of the target mat. 

This was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and it was a great experience for the children to go to a new school and to represent the school in a competitive event. 

Thank you to Mrs Latham and Mr Gawthrope for hosting us and for providing some excellent biscuits..!! We hope to be able to invite Bourn back over to our school in the future and maybe play a different sport!