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Support for Families during the summer

Support for Families

With the long break coming up and the ever-present stresses and difficulties in our lives, whether Covid induced or otherwise, we thought we would just send a reminder of the various local and national support networks that you can access should you need. 

  • Sometimes families need a bit of extra support. You might be worried about your child's behaviour or development. Or you and your family might experience some changes or difficulties that you can't manage by yourself. Whatever you are worried about, Early Help can support you and your family so that small problems do not become big problems. You can contact the Early Help Hub: or call: 01480 376 666 (office hours) 

  • Jane Rogers is an Early Intervention Family Worker, who can support with specific issues like behaviour management and bedtime routines; she can also help to signpost other services. You can contact Jane on -  

  • The LA are still able to provide support for a variety of issues, including both financial issues and potential difficulties with providing adequate food for you children. You can access that support through (ignore the fact that this address is still ‘winter’, the LA will be using it during the summer too) 

  • If you are suffering from any form of domestic abuse, Refuge provide a helpline to engage support services - 0808 2000 247 and an online chat service at  

  • If you are concerned about your own or someone else’s alcohol or drug misuse, Change, Grow, Live provide support - 0300 555 0101 or  

  • If you are struggling to provide food for your family, Cambridge Food Bank can help explains where the food banks are and how to get a voucher. 

  • Citizens Advice also provide free support and signposting for a variety of issues including financial crises - 0808 2082138 or  

  • If you, or anyone else you know, are struggling with Mental Health issues, then the charity Mind can provide signposting, support and advice, including an ‘emergency help’ service -  


ws story here.