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Rocking The Stone Age

In the last week of the Spring Term, the pupils in Years 1 and 2 performed their Stone Age play to live audiences. The children were amazing! Everyone in Year 2 had a speaking part and they all performed brilliantly with many of the pupils learning their lines off by heart. The play had it all with dinosaur hunters (there were NO dinosaurs in the play), interesting facts, super art work, fabulous dancing and even some cheesy topical jokes! For example: What do you call a cave man who always takes the long way home?....A meanderthal! It was a real team effort and all of the staff were extremely proud of the children. Very well done to all of Year 1 for their amazing ‘Cave Man Dave’ poem recital and their ‘We will rock you’ singing and dancing. Year 2 – we thought your performance skills were amazing. Great job!