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Our Wildlife Area

Created back in March, the new wildlife pond in the 'Wild Area' has been a real magnet for wildlife. Some of the pupils have already had a chance to see frogs and newts develop! Recently, we added a greenhouse to the gardening section where Reception and eco-clubs have planted native wildflowers, cottage perennials and hedges. It's exciting that come September, the Wild Area will be available for wider school use as new features continue to be added.


A huge thanks to the fantastic volunteers who have helped create this haven: Elliot Batizovsky, Matt Lockyer, Leon Stone, Julio Bernal, Chris Duncan, Vanessa Daly, Ben Monks, Michael Clarkson, Lianna Hodson and Nick Upjohn. A very special salute to Elliot of Riverrock Ponds & Water Features for his pond and building expertise and in-kind support, and to Leon and Julio for helping out on at least a monthly basis with pond and garden maintenance and donating plants. Also, thank you to Mr Thorley-Wraight for helping us out with access on weekends.  We couldn't have done it without this amazing team!


And on behalf of the school, we’d like to thank Kerstin Swahn for her fantastic work in organising the rebuilding of the wildlife area.


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