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Mission - Values - School History

Mission Statement:

The WPS mission is "to provide pupils with the knowledge, experiences and confidence they need to excel at secondary school and so that they can make the choices, now and in the future, to have a happy, fulfilling life."

Values and Drivers

At WPS we value:

And we drive towards the following outcomes:

▪Active Participation – we all engage with the world around us and focus our attention on what matters.
▪Equitable Success – we believe that through knowledge and opportunity, we can all become the best versions of ourselves.
▪Improvement – we recognise that learning is a long process, but that we try to get better every day.

School History

The first school in Willingham was founded in 1593 and was funded by public subscription. In the 19th Century schooling flourished in the village; the 'Blinkhorn' private school opened in the 1850s, a day and boarding school opened in Newington House (which no longer stands) and the original predecessor of the present school opened in 1856. It was called The British and Foreign Bible Societies School, later shortened to The British School, and was a board school. Girls were first educated in a gallery in the school, but not until the 1880s. A separate girls' school was built in 1883 and this became the infants' school when the boys' and girls' schools amalgamated.

The present school was built in 1975 and the 1856 building was sold. The old school continues to support the new one as funds from its sale were invested and the Willingham British School's Trust is able to release grants for educational purposes, both to the school and throughout the village generally.

Willingham Primary School is an LA controlled community school.