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Willingham Primary School

Art Blog

Welcome to Willingham Primary School's Art blog. Here, you can see what your children have been doing in their Art lessons and celebrate their amazing creations. If you would like to see older posts, they are still available in the Archive section.

We hope that you enjoy it!

Ms Varty

October 2019

  • 31/10/19

    Years 3 & 4: Hokusai Paintings

    Now that we had recorded and developed our ideas in sketchbooks, it was time to start the finished pieces of work.
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  • 24/10/19

    Year 4: Christmas cards

    The Year 4s started their Christmas card design by drawing a snowflake and star design in oil pastel and then adding a watercolour wash for the sky.
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  • 18/10/19

    Year 1 & 2: Monet and Impressionism

    The Year 1s and 2s will be learning all about Impressionism in the Autumn Term. We began by focusing on Monet’s Waterlilies and Japanese Bridge (1897). The children were very excited to be able to take a virtual tour of Monet’s house at Giverny.
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  • 18/10/19

    Year 5 & 6: Inspire 2020 - Landscapes

    Inspire 2020 is an exciting project run by the Fitzwilliam Museum together with Access Art, based on the National Gallery's Take One Picture. Primary school children from all around Cambridgeshire have been invited to create artwork inspired by a painting in the Fitzwilliam's collection...
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  • 18/10/19

    Year 5 & 6: Inspire 2020 - Temple prints

    As part of the Inspire 2020 project, run by the Fitzwilliam Museum  and Access Art, our year 5/6 pupils have been given an opportunity to plan and carry out a project of their own choice inspired by the painting, Cupid and Psyche by the Italian Renaissance painter, Jaco...
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  • 18/10/19

    Year 5 & 6: Inspire 2020 - Clay and feathers

    One of the many exciting things about our involvement with Inspire 2020, based on the painting Cupid and Psyche by Jacobo del Sellaio, is that the projects have been planned and created by the children from the outset. In a single lesson, there are pupils printing, painting...
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  • 03/10/19

    Years 1 & 2: Christmas cards

    Every year in October, the children at Willingham Primary School design a Christmas scene which their parents and careers then have an opportunity to buy as cards, mugs or calendars. It always seems very early to be thinking of Christmas but we have a lot of fun.
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