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Welcome To

Willingham Primary School

Art Blog

Welcome to Willingham Primary School's Art blog. Here, you can see what your children have been doing in their Art lessons and celebrate their amazing creations. If you would like to see older posts, they are still available in the Archive section.

We hope that you enjoy it!

Ms Varty

April 2019

  • 30/04/19

    Year 1 & 2: Paul Klee continued.

    In this second week of term, the children in Years 1 and 2 looked at Fire in the Evening (1929) by Paul Klee.
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  • 23/04/19

    Year 1 & 2: Paul Klee

    This half-term, the Year 1s and 2s will be creating art inspired by the work of Paul Klee.
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  • 03/04/19

    Year 2: Allotment Pictures

    The Year 2s have been comparing farming methods in the U.K. and Ghana. In art, we created allotment pictures using a wax resist technique.
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  • 02/04/19

    Year 1: Root Vegetable Paintings

    As part of their Geography work on farming, the Year 1s have been creating pictures of root vegetables.
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